Freelance Website

RHET 5346: Prep to Freelance
Dr. Karen Kuralt

Freelance Website Screenshot

This project, created during the Prep to Freelance course, serves as the personal homepage for my freelancing services.

There were multiple steps in creating this website. The first was to brainstorm our freelancing niches, writing down the skills we felt confident in and enjoyed. My skills ranged from technical writing to computer programming, but technical writing was the only area I felt I had skill in and enjoyed. I also chose technology and software as my area of expertise.

For the next step, I focused on technical writing as a topic while finding ways to tie it into my personal identity. This would lay the groundwork in creating our freelance website. I wrote that I wanted the relationship between me and my clients to be collaborative, similar to how I am used to gathering information at my current technical writing job. I found a few images that inspired me, and used them to create the look and feel of my website.

Using the information I gathered about myself and my imagined clients, I created my website. Every color, word, and section was chosen deliberately as a way to speak to my audience and convey my brand. Although I'm not currently freelancing, I feel like the process I went through creating this website gave me a great starting point should I choose to freelance in the future.